Anticipating construction of the Lower Sesan II dam,
more than 50 Vietnamese company workers, protected by policemen from Sesan
district police station, have begun marking and removing trees greater than
20cm in diameter in Srekor village and Kbal Romeas village, in Sesan district,
Stung Treng Province.
Trees which has been marked for removal
Sine late of December 2011, the workers arrived in Srekor and Kbal Romeas
villages to mark and cut off all trees
along the border of the reservoir area of Lower Sesan II dam. The name of the Vietnamese
company could not be confirmed, but according to one of the workers and a Sesan
District policeman, the company was been awarded a contract to remove timber
from the reservoir area.
The Vietnamese company, who come to mark the trees
in these two villages, is a company that bade to collect and buy the wood and
clean up the dam’s reservoir, (According to the speech from Vietnamese guy
and Sesan district policemen).
Kbal Romeas
Kbal Romeas village is
another village located in the reservoir of the Lower Sesan II dam and villages
here will also need to be resettled to make way for the proposed dam. A village authority from Kbal Romeas
expressed his concern regarding the approach that company workers arrived in
his village without informing to local community or authority “they way they did this seems like the
village chief and community do not have any right or a part of development process”.
Srekor village;
Srekor village is located in the reservoir of Lower
Sesan II dam and villagers here will need to be resettlement if the dam goes
ahead. Since late December 2011 villagers have observed the presence of a group
of more than 30 Vietnamese workers.
These workers have been protected by 3 policemen from Sesan district police
station and 1 from district Forestry Administration staff. Field visits confirm that trees
here have been marked and removed and appear to correspond to the boundary of
dam’s reservoir. The workers started from behind the village (north-west of the
village) to downstream of Lower Sesan II dam site in an area reserved for
community forest.
A community member from
Srekor village showing the tree which has been marked for removal, and another
tree which has already been cut.
Mr. Thun, community in
Srekor village said that, a representative from Srekor village said that “If they cut the trees like this, I feel
very sorry and regret for the community forestry which all of us protect for
many years, now all these trees have been cut off”.
Another villager in Srekor, Mrs. Kann Kea, 58-year old said that reported “I am very frighten when I saw this
situation happen in my area. I ran to rice fields when I saw Vietnamese people
walked near my rice farm cottage, and at night, we have to go back to village.
This situation seems like the Pol Pot region”.
The company arrived to work in Srekor village
without informing to villagers or the commune or village authorities about
their activity. Most villagers are scared and concerned when they see these unknown
workers in their village. Furthermore, the Sesan district policemen warned that
‘if someone protests against this, they
will be arrested immediately’.
Most villagers scare and very concern when they have seen
Vietnamese worker come to their village. Some villagers who planned to build
new house but they scare to stand it up because if they build new house they
still need to move to new area.
Note: Officer Ministry of Industry, Mine and Energy said that, the Lower Sesan II is still under the consideration of national level and don't have any decisions approve for construction or clean up the reservoir, (news source; and
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